Stefania Toma

Stefania Toma



2022, 15-17 June, Title of presentation: ”Transforming rurality: Returnees, Remittances and Ethnicity in Rural Romania” (co-author Fosztó László). International Conference ”Inequalities, mobilities and justice in rural areas”, organized by Harokopio University, Athens, and European Society for Rural Sociology, Chania, Greece.

2022, 27-30 April, Title of presentation: “Rural Revival after the COVID-19 pandemic? Return migration, social remittances, and reconfiguration of cultural diversity in rural regions of Eastern Europe” (co-author Fosztó László), International Conference “Tradition and Solidarity in the Visegrad countries in the pandemic moment”, organized by the V4 Net: the Network of Anthropologists from Visegrád ( ), hosted by the Comenius University, Bratislava and Institute for Minority Studies, Center for Social Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

2021, 15-20 November, Visiting Researcher at the University of Granada, Department of Social Anthropology. Host professor: Juan F. Gamella. Topic: Social mobility and international migration of the Roma minority

2021, 8-10 September, Panel organized in collaboration with Maria Manuela Mendes (CIES-Iscte, Portugal): “Critical Perspectives on the Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic on Roma” in the framework of the Annual Meeting and International Conference of The Gypsy Lore Society, hosted by Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Title of the presentation: „Stay home! Stay safe!” – Effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Roma Communities in Romania”. Online event.

2021, 31 August – 3 September, Panel organized in collaboration with Pedro Jorge Caetano (Nova University, Lisbon) and Maria Manuela Mendes (CIES-Iscte, Portugal): „After Weber: Making Alternative Ethical Rationalities Knowable” at the ESA Conference, hybrid event (Barcelona and online). Title of the presentation: “The Multidimensionality of Deservingness and Social Closure – the (un)Making of Ethnic Communities”. Online event.

2021, 21 June – 16 July, Short Term Scientific Mission (STSM) at TARKI-Polc – Social Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary, in the framework COST ACTION 16111 ETHMIGSURVEYDATA - International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities' Survey Data Network and MIGROMDEVPOL - Migration of Roma and indicators for local development policies (RIRNM).

2021, 9-11 June, Title of presentation: “Trans[Nationality and Formations] of Homes. Romanian citizens in Europe and at Home” (Co-author Iulia-Elena Hossu). International Conference NIAS 2021 - Studies of Belonging, The Netherlands. Organized by the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study, On-line event.

2021, 3rd of June, Title of presentation: Home Balloon – Contentual and conceptual stretching of Home. Family aspirations on the move”. ERC HOMInG workshop seminar. On-line event.

2021, 6th of May, Workshop presentation: A láthatatlant láthatóvá tenni: mik változtathatják az iskolát mobilitási csatornává a roma gyermekek esetében?” [Transformation of the invisible in visible: factors of transformation of school into a social mobility channel for Roma children], Workshop Series at KAM (Atelier of Cultural Anthropology): Social Sciences Forum - Roma: conditions of the social integration in the Szeklerland, organized by KAM. On-line event.

2021, 8th of April, Plenary Presentation with the title: “Romii în sistemul inegalităților educaționale” [The Roma in the system of educational inequalities] at the International Conference “DreamRoad in combating Poverty> Dreams, Roads, Opportunities”, Miercurea-Ciuc, Romania.

2020, 16-17 November, Title of presentation: Going Abroad for making a Home at Home” (Co-author Fosztó László). International conference “Social Dynamics. Inequalities, Integration, Mobility and Migration”, organized by the Center for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary. On-line event.

2020, 23-28 August, Title of presentation: Overcoming the Educational Marginality of Roma in the Changing Cultures of Roma and School Communities” (Co-author Rosa Drown, Isle of Man). International conference of the EERA-ECER at the panel “(Re)connecting Communities Through Research on Inclusive Education”. On-line event.

2019, 14-15 November, lecturing at the 3rd International Training Session of the COST CA16111 International Ethnic and Immigrant Minorities Survey Data Network, organized by the TARKI and Center for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, focusing on the Methodology of doing research on/with ethnic and migrant minorities.  Title of the lecture: “The Romanian Roma in Quantitative Surveys: looking for Schrödinger's Cat?”, Budapest, Hungary.

2019, 24-25 October, Regional Forum for Social and Economic Policies „#ForumEU11 – Unlocking the Potential of Inclusive Growth at the Local Level: Support for a Rich Dialogue Between Employers, Unions, Local Governments and Other Stakeholders”, organized by the Friedrich-Ebert Stiftung and Central European Labour Studies Institute, Bratislava, Slovakia.

2019, 10th of October, Public Lecture for ERASMUS Exchange students at the Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, BBU. Title of presentation: „Effects of the Migration of the Romanian Roma in Origin Localities”, Cluj, Romania.

2019, 1-5 October, Lecturing at the International Summer University „International Migration and Brexit. New Challenges of Migration in Turbulent Times”, organized by Ratiu Center for Democracy (Turda) and Romanian Center for  Comparative Migration Studies (BBU, Cluj). Title of the course: „Romanian Roma Returnees from the UK and Other European Countries: how remittances are spent?”, Turda, RO.

2019, 16-18 September, Title of presentation (together with Fosztó László): ”The Mobility of the Roma as Resource and/or Obstacle for Social Integration in Romania”. International Conference „Trajectories of Romani Migration and Mobilities in Europe and Beyond (1945 – present)”, organized by Jan Grill (Faculty of Social Sciences and Economics, Valle University, Colombia) and Helena Sadílkova (Romani Studies Seminar, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic), Institute of Contemporary History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.

2019, 20-23 August, Title of presentation: „Real Bridges and Mental Borders in a Transylvanian Ethnically Mixed Community”. International Conference of the European Sociological Association „Europe and Beyond: Boundaries, Barriers and Belonging”, Manchester University and Metropolitan University of Manchester, Manchester, Great Britain.

2019, 20 May, Public Lecture: „Migration, Remittances and their effect on the local rural communities. Focus on Education.”, RIRNM, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

2019, 25 March  - 12 April, Visiting Researcher at TARKI-POLC (Budapest, Hungary) with the project MIGROMDEVPOL – Migration of Roma and Indicators for Local Development Policies, financed by the InGRID programme.

2019, 7-8 March, International Conference and Workshops “Asking Questions about Central and Eastern European Labour Markets” organized by CELSI (Central European Labour Studies Institute). Event combined with the international InGRID workshop: “Main Gaps in Research Infrastructure in Central-Eastern Europe”, Bratislava, Slovakia.

2018, 3-6 September, Title of presentation: „The Health Mediators in Romania – an assessment of the context and the needs” and Panel organized together with Manuela Mendes (University of Lisbon, CIES-IUL, Portugal) and Olga Magano (Portuguese Open University, ISCTE-IUL, Portugal): „Roma and Public Policies. What does impact the inclusion of the Roma?”. International Conference and Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society in collaboration with the Academy of Sciences of Romania, Bucharest, Romania.

2018, 13-20 July, Lecturing at the International Summer School on Migration and Integration. Session on the migration and inclusion of the Romanian Roma. Organized by the Center for Comparative Migration Studies in collaboration with the Political Science Faculty of the Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca.

2018, 25-30 June, Title of presentation: „Migration of the Romanian Roma: Social Distance between local social change and strengthened anchorage” at the International Conference „#Romania100: Looking Forward through the Past” organized by the Society for Romanian Studies, Bucharest.

2018, 7-8 May, Title of presentation (together with Fosztó László): „Social Distance and Transnational Migration in Ethnically Mixed Rural Settlements in Romania” at the International Conference „EU at the Crossroads of Migration. Critical reflections on the `refugee crisis` and new migration deals”, organized by Utrecht University, The Netherlands.

2017, 24-25 October, Title of presentation (together with Fosztó László, in Hungarian): „Returnees and their neighbours: Roma Migration, Social Distance and Local Development” at the Annual Conference of the Hungarian Association of Sociology – „Modernities”, Budapest, Hungary

2017, 3-5 October, Title of presentation: “Cleavages, Social Distance, and the Effect of Migration on the Communities of Origin”. Workshop organized by the Center for Comparative Migration Studies (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj) in collaboration with Ruhr University (Bochum, Germany), Cluj.

2017, 29 August – 1 September, Title of presentation (together with Fosztó László): „Roma between Obstructing and Transformative Distances: Migration Process and Social Distance in Ethnically Mixed Localities”. Panel organized (together with Manuela Mendes – Lisbon University and Olga Magano – Portuguese Open University) „Education and access of Roma students to quality schooling” and presentation „Migration, Remittances and their effects on the education of Roma children in Romania”. International Conference and Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Nicosia, Cyprus

2017, 13-14 May, Comparative presentation of MigRom and SocioRoMap international projects at the First Peace Forum organized by PATRIR – Cluj, Romania.

2017, 7-8 April, Workshop on the representation of Roma in the light of cultural studies at the Open Seminars about films on Roma and Gadje, a project funded by the Central European University – Curriculum Resource Center, Tranzit Foundation, Cluj, Romania

2017, 6-7 February, Title of presentation: „Results of two large scale researches on Roma in Romania: MIGROM and SocioRoMap” at the International Conference „Networking Workshops – Civil Society in Action”, organized by the Swedish Civil Society for Romania together with the Swedish Embassy in Romania, Bucharest, Romania

2017, 17-21 January, Closing Conference of the MIGROM Project. Title of presentation (together with László Fosztó and Cătălina Tesăr): Romanian Roma at Home: Mobility Patterns, Migration Experiences, Networks, and Remittances”, Manchester, Great Britain

2016, October 3-14, Study visit (together with Fosztó László) at the Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA), Department of Equality and Citizens’ Rights in the framework of the proiect SocioRoMap – Socio-graphic mapping of the Roma Communities in Romania for a community-level monitoring of changes with regard to Roma integration, financed through the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 (RO25), Wien, Austria.

2016, September 13-17, Title of presentation: ”Socio-Economic Determinants of Migration Patterns of Romanian Roma”, International Conference and Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Södertörn University, Stockholm, Sweden.

2016, May 26-27, Title of presentation (together with Fosztó László): ”MIGROM – The Migration of the Roma from Romania”, conference organised by the RIRNM together with the Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Cluj, Romania.

2016, April 14-16, Title of presentation: „Roma Migration versus The Migration of the Roma within Europe: The Role of Ethnic Networks and Interethnic Ties in the European Mobility of the Roma ”, 21st Annual Global Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN), Harriman Institute, Columbia University, New York, USA.

2016, April 6, workshop „Is contemporary Europe moving towards Fascism?”, organized by prof. Douglas R. Holmes and prof. Juraj Buzalka at the Department of Anthropology, Binghamton University, SUNY, Binghamton, USA.

2015, November 19-21, Title of presentation (together with Fosztó László, in Hungarian): „Magyar kötödésű romák Erdélyben” (Roma with Hungarian Affiliation in Transylvania), at the Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association organized together with the Faculty of Social Sciences, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary.

2015, November 16-17, Title of presentation (together with Fosztó László): „Migration of the Romanian Roma and the Diversification of the Economic Niches for Social Mobility”, International Conference „Global Migration Processes and Hungary – Challenges and responses” Institute for Minority Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.

2015, June 17-19, Title of presentation (together with Fosztó László and Cătălina Tesăr): „Causes and Consequences of International Migration of Roma – the interplay of economic, religious factors and changes in social networks”, International Conference of the Society for Romanian Studies „Linking Past, Present and Future: The 25th Anniversary of Regime Change in Romania and Moldova (1989/1991)”, Political Sciences Faculty, Bucharest University, Bucharest, Romania.

2015, February 26-27, Discussant at the International Conference „Dialogues on Roma Participation. Practice, Actors, Institutions, Alternative Models”, organized by the  Faculty of Economy and Social Sciences, Comenius University, CVEK, and Roma Institute financed by the European Academic Network on Romani Studies (EANRS). Bratislava, Slovakia.

2014, December 11, Title of presentation (together with Fosztó László): „Causes or Consequences of International Migration of Roma - the interplay of economic, religious factors and changes in social networks”, Annual International Conference of INTEGRIM Network “Fissures and Ruptures in European Societies: Masses, Migrants and Minorities”, Central European University. Budapest.

2014, November 27-29, organizing panel (together with Fosztó László) ”Roma in the Carpathian Basin” at the Annual Conference of the Hungarian Sociological Association „Nationhood in the Carpathian Basin”, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work. November 28, plenary presentation „The Roma? Beneficiaries of Social Assistance. Dissonant Attitudes of Social Providers”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

2014, November 21-22, organizing panel (together with Horváth István) “Classification Games. Data Production and Conceptualisation of Ethnic Categories”, Annual Conference of the Romanian Society of Social and Cultural Anthropology „Modes of Appropriation and Social Resistance”, Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Sociology and Social Work, Faculty of Political Sciences, RIRNM. Cluj-Napoca.

2014, September 18-22, Title of presentation: Fusion or Fission? The Everyday Politics of Alterity in Multiethnic Communities in Romania”, 7th International Congress of InASEA “Cultures of Crisis. Experiencing and Coping with Upheavals and Disasters in Southeast Europe”, Kadir Has University, Istanbul, Turkey.

2014, September 10-13, Title of presentation: The Roma? Beneficiaries of Social Assistance’. Social workers' Attitudes toward Romanian Roma” International Conference and Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Ethnology Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia.

2014, July 31 – August 4, Title of presentation: Fusion or Fission? The Everyday Economy of Alterity in Multiethnic Communities in Romania” Biannual International Conference of EASA “Collaboration, Intimacy, Revolution - Innovation and Continuity in an Interconnected World”, Tallinn University. Tallinn, Estonia

2014, June 12-14, Title of presentation: The Roma - Dangerous Outsiders or the Significant Others. The Everyday Politics of Alterity in Multiethnic Communities in Romania”, ASN International Conference “Nationalist Responses to Economic and Political Crises”, Nationalities Studies Programme at the Central European University and Tom Lantos Institute, Budapest, Hungary.

2013, September 12-13, Title of presentation: ”Godparenthood: Strategy and Trust among Roma and non-Roma in Romania”, International Conference and Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Strathclyde Univesity, Glasgow, GB.

2013, July 1-4, Title of presentation: ”Real Godparents” and the Other Ones: Ritual Kinship among the Roma and non-Roma in România”, 11th International Congress of SIEF, Tartu, Estonia.

2013, April 11-14, organizing the international workshop ”Gender, Ethnicity, and Class in Roma Studies: Whither Intersectionality?”, financed by the European Academic Network on Romani Studies (EANRS), Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

2013, April 1-12, Title of presentation: ”Fortressization of Europe: The Migration of Romanian Roma”, at the ”European Intensive Programme – Roma Rights and Discrimination – Approaches of a Right Based Social and Educational Work”, BBU, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

2012, September 18-23, Title of presentation: ”Institutional Context and Everyday Practices of Romani Language Teaching in Romania”, International Conference and Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Istanbul, Turkey.

2012, June 2-10, Public lecture at the CBEES Advanced Seminars: ”Roma in Romania. The Last Drop of Ethnic Conflicts”, together with Vitos Katalin (RIRNM), Södertörns Högskola, CBEES (Center for Baltic and East European Studies), Stockholm, Sweden.

2012, April 18-20, Title of presentation (in Romanian): ”Uniunea Europeană versus Fortress Europe. Unele considerații asupra migrației romilor din România” (European Union versus Fortress Europe. Some thoughts on the migration of the Roma from Romania), International Conference in the framework of the EU-Inclusive project, Soros Foundation Romania, Bucharest, Romania

2012, April 17, Title of presentation (in Hungarian): ”Informális kapcsolatok és interetnikus konfliktusok vegyes etnikumú településeken (Informal Networks and Interethnic Conflicts in ethnically mixed localities)”, Forum of Young Researchers and PhD Students in Social Sciences, Corvinus University, Budapesta, Hungary.

2011, October 16-18, Regional Expert Meeting "Promoting the Right to Quality Education for Roma People", Ministry of Education of the Republic of Serbia, UNESCO, Belgrade, Serbia

2011, April 17-21, Title of presentation: „From the Margins of Society into Conflicts: The Roma in Romania”, SIEF International Conference „People Make Places  - Ways of Feeling the World”, Lisbon.

2011, March 6-9, Title of presentation: Roma/Gypsy Communities on the Move: the Conditions and Impact of Migration in two Ethnically Mixed Villages in Eastern Transylvania (Romania)” at the international Workshop “Migration and its Effects on Demographic and Economic Development in CEE – Generations in Dialogue” organized by ERSTE Foundation, Wien, Austria.

2010, December 2-4, Title of presentation: Causes, Consequences and the ”Last Drop”: Ethnic Conflicts in Romania” at the International Conference „Remaking the Social. New Risks and Solidarities”, First International Conference of the Romanian Society of Sociologists, BBU, Cluj.

2010, November 30, Title of presentation: „Approaches to the social inclusion of the Roma: targeted and general measures in Romania” at the Open Session of the Working Group on Roma Inclusion „Bringing Academy and Policy together to Benefit Roma Communities in Europe”, European Parliament, Bruxelles, Belgium.

2009, October 9-10, Organizing International Conference „Two Decades of Scholarship. Romani Studies in Romania”, RIRNM, Cluj-Napoca.

2009, September 10-11, Title of presentation: „Segregation and Ethnic Conflicts in Romania - The Last Drop”, at the International Conference „Extremism and the Roma and Sinti in Europe: Challenges, Risks, and Responses”, OSCE-ODIHR, University College London, UK.

2009, March 5-7, Titles of presentations: „Aspects of Segregation and De-segregation in the Education of Roma Children in Romania – a Case Study in a Multiethnic Community”; „Models of Ethnic Segregation. Discrimination and Conflicts in Multiethnic Rural Communities in Romania” (together with Vitos Katalin) - Stockholm International Conference – Discrimination and Persecution of Roma, Sinti and Travellers, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.

2009, February 17, Title of presentation (in Hungarian): „Gettósodás és interetnikus konfliktusok Romániában” (Ghettoization and interethnic conflicts in Romania) – at the conference: Konfliktus, Rasszizmus, Erőszak (Conflict, Rasism, Aggression);  Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary.

2008, November 24-26, Title of presentation (in Romanian): “Unele aspecte ale economiei informale  - strategii de supravieţuire în rândul romilor din România” (Some Aspects of Informal Economy – Survival Strategies of the Roma in Romania) – at the conference „Rom in Italia. Rom in Romania. Percorsi e Conosscenza e interventi sociali”. FIERI, RIRNM, Torino, Italy.

2008 August 26 – 29, Title of presentation: „Measures and Practices of the Educational System Concerning Gypsies: Results of Two Case Studies in Romania and Portugal” (together with Maria Manuela Mendes – PT) – at the international 10. Biennial EASA Conference, Ljubljana, Slovenia.





Editor serie: ISPMN – KONTAKT (Romani Studies)

Michael Stewart: Vremea romilor. Translated from English by Ioana MirunaVoiculescu, ISPMN, Cluj-Napoca, 2014

Ada I. Engebrigtsen: Romi printre români. Relaţii de putere, schimb şi interdependenţă într-un sat din Transilvania. Translated from English by Ioana Miruna Voiculescu, ISPMN, Cluj-Napoca, 2016

Filippo Bonini Baraldi: Romi, muzică şi empatie. Translated from French by Ioana Miruna Voiculescu, ISPMN, Cluj-Napoca, 2017


Editor/Autor volum  

(EN) (2023) În curând: Special Issue Beyond Weber – Social change between Disenchantment and Rationalisation Processes in Plural Communities. Co-edited with Maria Manuela Mendes, Thomas Kemple and Pedro Jorge Caetano. Intersections. East European Journal of Society and Politics.

(EN) (2023) Special Issue Critical Perspectives on the Impacts of (post) Covid-19 Pandemic on Roma. Co-edited with Maria Manuela Mendes. Social Sciences.

(RO) Spectrum. Cercetări sociale asupra romilor (ed. by: Toma Stefánia and Fosztó László), Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale and Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca, 2011

(EN) Social and Economic Vulnerability of Roma People - Key Factors for the Success and Continuity of Schooling Levels, ed. by Manuela Mendes, Olga Magano and Stefánia Toma, Springer, 2021. Book launch: 8th of March, 2021, CIES-Iscte; Presented by Juan Gamella (University of Granada)

(RO) (2023) Forthcoming: MOZAIK. Spicuiri din prezenţa minorităţii greceşti din România. Ed. by Toma Stefánia, Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale and Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca, 2019


Studii și capitole

(EN) (2023) Education policy and Roma children in Romania. In: Done, E; Knowler, H. (eds.) International Perspectives on Exclusionary Pressures in Education: How inclusion became exclusion. London Palgrave Macmillan, 2022 December.

(ES) Construyendo un hogar europeo: algunas consecuencias de la movilidad reciente y el retorno de los Roma rumanos [Building a European Home: Some consequences of the recent mobility and return of the Romanian Roma] (co-author Fosztó László). In:  Bergeon Céline, Lagunas David and Torres Francisco (eds.) Gitanos rumanos en España. Trayectorias de vida, estrategias y políticas públicas. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2021.

(EN) The Microcosm of Migration and Return: Identity, Space, and Home in Romania. Selected literature review on housing and remittance houses of Roma and Romanian migrants. WP nr. 9-2020 May.

(EN) Socio-cultural transformations following the recent mobility of Roma within the EU. (Co-author: Fosztó László). Factsheets on Romani Culture, Council of Europe / [romani] PROJECT at the University of Graz, 2020.

(EN) Domesticating Schools’ Demon: Local social changes and their effects on the success of Roma children in education. In: Manuela Mendes – Olga Magano – Toma Stefánia (eds.) Social and Economic Vulnerability of Roma People - Key Factors for the Success and Continuity of Schooling Levels, Springer, 2021.

(EN) Introduction. Roma and Education: Key Factors for the Success and Continuity of Schooling Levels - International Perspectives (co-author: Manuela Mendes, Olga Magano), IN: Manuela Mendes – Olga Magano – Toma Stefánia (eds.): Social and Economic Vulnerability of Roma People. Key Factors for the Success and Continuity of Schooling Levels, Springer, 2021.

(RO) Forthcoming: INTRODUCERE. Spicuiri din prezenţa minorităţii greceşti din România.  In: Toma Stefánia (ed.): MOZAIK. Spicuiri din prezenţa minorităţii greceşti din România. Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale and Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca, 2023.

(EN) Real Bridges and Mental Borders in a Transylvanian Ethnically Mixed Community. In: Pedro Jorge Caetano and Maria Manuela Mendes (eds.): Simmel and Beyond. The Contemporary relevance of Simmel’s Thought. Routledge, 2022. Booklaunch on the 3rd of June 2022, with the presentation of Thomas Kemple, University of British Columbia and KISMIF Conference 2022 (Porto)

(EN) Romanian Identity and Immigration in Europe (co-author: Remus Gabriel Anghel, Fosztó László), In: S. Ratuva (ed.): The Palgrave Handbook on Ethnicity, 2019.

(EN) Returnees and their neighbours: Roma Migration, Social Distance and Local Development (co-author: Fosztó László), In: Review of Sociology, Winter, 2018.

(EN) Roma within Obstructing and Transformative Spaces: Migration Processes and Social Distance in Ethnically Mixed Localities in Romania (co-author: Fosztó László), In: Intersections. EEJSP, 4(3): 57-80, 2018.

(EN) Romanian Roma at home: mobility patterns, migration experiences, networks, and remittances (co-author: Cătălina Tesăr and Fosztó László), In: Y. Matras and V. Leggio (eds.) Open Borders, Unlocked Cultures: Romanian Roma Migrants in Western Europe, Routledge, 2017.

(HU) MigRom – A romániai romák migrációjának mintázatai, kapcsolatok és hatások itthon, In: Erdélyi Társadalom, XV, Nr. 1, 2017.

(RO) Mediatorii Sanitari (together with Adina Rebeleanu), In: Raport de Cercetare SocioRoMap – O cartografiere a comunitaţilor de romi din România, Ed. Horváth István, ISPMN, 2017, pg. 233-290

(EN) The Plight of Romanian Social Protection: addressing the vulnerabilities and well-being in Romanian Roma families (co-author Roth Maria), In: The International Journal of Human Rights, 18:6, 714-734.

(RO) Migraţia şi mobilitatea romilor pe piaţa muncii europene - între realităţi şi mituri” (V. Chapter), In: Incluziunea romilor din România: Politici, instituţii şi experienţe. Daniela Giurcă, Iulian Stoian, Mărioara Rusu, Simona Ilie, Alin Arsu, Stefánia Toma. Fundaţia Soros, România, 2012, pg. 91-108

(EN) „Roma Migration and Mobility on European Labour Market – Between Realities and Myths” (V. Chapter), In: Roma Inclusion in Romania: Policies, Institutions and Examples. Daniela Giurcă, Iulian Stoian, Mărioara Rusu, Simona Ilie, Alin Arsu, Stefánia Toma. Fundaţia Soros, România, 2012, pg. 223-240

(EN) „Segregation and Ethnic Conflicts in Romania - Getting Beyond the "Last Drop" Model”, In: Michael STEWART (ed.) The Gypsy Menace. Populism and the New Anti-Gypsy Politics. London HURST&Co Ltd, 2012.  

(RO) „Paradigme şi discipline în spectrul cercetărilor sociale despre romii din România”(co-author: Fosztó László), In: Spectrum. Cercetări sociale despre romi (ed: Toma Stefánia and Fosztó László), Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale şi Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca, 2011, pg. 7-14

(RO) Cercurile incluziunii. Aspecte ale educaţiei copiilor romi în România, In: Spectrum. Cercetări sociale despre romi (ed: Toma Stefánia and Fosztó László), Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităţilor Naţionale şi Kriterion, Cluj-Napoca, 2011, pg. 127-158

(HU) „A túlcsordult teli pohár és az etnikai konfliktusok esete Romániában”, In. Pro Minoritate, 2011 Autumn, pg. 123 – 143

(RO-HU) „Potenţialul antreprenorial - oportunităţi şi dificultăţi. Potenciális vállalkozók - lehetőségek és nehézségek.”  Bilingual Edition. Toma Stefánia, Csata Zsombor, Kiss Dénes, Pásztor Gyöngyi, Péter László. Centrul de Cercetare a Relaţiilor Interetnice, Cluj-Napoca, 2011.

(RO-HU) „Model integrat de dezvoltare antreprenorială in centrele urbane din trei regiuni - Antreprenori - Aşteptări, oportunităţi şi dificultăţi. Vállalkozók - elvárások, lehetőségek és nehézségek”. Bilingual Edition.Toma Stefánia, Csata Zsombor, Kiss Dénes, Pásztor Gyöngyi, Péter László. Centrul de Cercetare a Relaţiilor Interetnice, Cluj-Napoca, 2011. Versiounea on-line:

(RO) Ţiganul meu” şi încrederea – relaţii economice informale într-o comunitate de romi din România”, In: Kiss – Fosztó – Fleck (eds.): Incluziune şi excluziune. Studii de caz asupra comunităţilor de romi din România.Editura ISPMN, Cluj-Napoca, 2009.

(RO) „Etnia – Diviziune socială în sistemul de sănătate? Cazul populaţiei rome” (V. Chapter, Coauthor: Raţ Cristina), In: Disparităţi în utilizarea serviciilor de sănătate. Studiu de caz în regiunea de dezvoltare Nord-Vest, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Universitară, 2009, pg. 122 – 167

(EN) “Poverty and Survival Strategies among the Roma/Gypsy Population in Central and Eastern Europe”. In: MAGYARI-Vincze Enikő – HARBULA Hajnalka (Eds.): Anthropo lenyomatok. Amprente. Imprints. EFES, Fundaţia pentru Studii Europene, Cluj-Napoca, 2008.

(EN) Community Force. The Roma in Romania. General Review and an Inventory of Problems (coauthor: Horváth István, collaborators: Éva Bocskor, László Péter and Cristina Raţ), European Commission DG Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities in the Social Inclusion Programme, Cluj-Napoca, 2006.

(HU) Az én cigányom, In: Erdélyi Társadalom, Sociology Journal of The Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, 2005.

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Forthcoming (2023) The Roma and their Struggle for Identity in Contemporary Europe. Ed. by Huub van baar and Anéla Kóczé. Berghhan: New York – Oxford,  Europe-Asia Studies

Roma Activism. Reimagining Power and Knowledge. Ed. By Sam Beck & Ana Ivasiuc. Berghahn: New York – Oxford, 2018, Slavic Review, 2020

Educating the Hungarian Roma. Nongovernmental Organizations and Minority Rights. By: Andria Timmer (Christopher Newport University, Virginia, USA), ed. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2017, Slavic Review, vol. 77, no. 1 (Spring 2018), pg. 247-248

Ten Years After: A History of Roma School Desegregation in Central and Eastern Europe. Ed. Iulius Rostas. Budapest – New York: Central European University Press, 2012, Slavic Review, vol. 72, no. 3 (Autumn 2013), pg. 627-629




 A romák sérülékenysége. Iskola és Munka [The vulnerability of the Roma. School and Work], 2021 March 7, Transindex,, interview

A roma népesség társadalmi integrációjának feltételeiről (székelyföldi térség) [About the conditions of the social integration of the Roma population in the region of Szecklerland], contributions by:  Bíró A. Zoltán, Oláh Sándor, Bodó Julianna, Gergely Orsolya, Jakab Judit, Toma Stefánia, Fosztó László, In: Pro Scientia Ruralis, 2021.

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Participarea minorităţilor naţionale din România în evenimentele din 1989 şi primele forme de autoorganizare – Braşov,, June 2013

The Immigration of Romanian Roma to Western Europe: Causes, Effects, and Future Engagement Strategies (MigRom). Report on the Pilot Survey, (coauthors: Fosztó László and CătălinaTesăr),

The Immigration of Romanian Roma to Western Europe: Causes, Effects, and Future Engagement Strategies (MigRom). Report on the Extended Survey, (coauthors: Fosztó László and CătălinaTesăr),