Székely István Gergő
Nume, Prenume: Székely, István Gergő
Data naşterii: 1981. l2. 4.
Locul naşterii: Baia Mare, Maramureş
Adresă e-mail:
Nr. Telefon mobil: +40-745-847766; +36-70-5754872
Instituţia: Universitatea Central Europeană, Departamentul de Ştiinţe Politice, Budapesta, Ungaria
Nivel diplomă: doctorat
Specializare: ştiinţe politice
Perioada studiului: 2007-2014
Instituţia: Universitatea Central Europeană, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Politice, Budapesta, Ungaria
Nivel diplomă: masterat
Specializare: ştiinţe politice
Perioada studiului: 2006-2007
Instituţia: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Politice şi Administrative, Cluj, România
Nivel diplomă: masterat
Specializare: ştiinţe politice
Perioada studiului: 2004-2005
Instituţia: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Facultatea de Ştiinţe Politice şi Administrative, Cluj, România
Nivel diplomă: licenţă
Specializare: ştiinţe politice
Perioada studiului: 2000-2004
Instituţia: Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai, Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiinţele Educaţiei, Cluj, România
Nivel diplomă: licenţă
Specializare: psihologie
Perioada studiului: 2000-2005
Instituţie: Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităților Naționale
Localitate: Cluj-Napoca
Ţară: România
Statut: Cercetător științific gradul III
Perioada: 2014-prezent
Instituţie: Universitatea Babeș-Bolyai, Facultatea de Științe Politice, Administrative și ale Comunicării
Localitate: Cluj-Napoca
Ţară: România
Statut: Cadru didactic asociat
Perioada: 2015-prezent
Instituţie: Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităților Naționale
Localitate: Cluj-Napoca
Ţară: România
Statut: Cercetător științific
Perioada: 2011-2014
Instituţie: Institutul pentru Studierea Problemelor Minorităților Naționale
Localitate: Cluj-Napoca
Ţară: România
Statut: Asistent cercetare
Perioada: 2007-2011
Minority organizations as channels for protest voting: Evidence from Romania. Paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Political Science Association, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Esztergom, Hungary, 2016 June 17-18.
(cu Levente Salat) Non-territorial autonomy in Romania: Unassumed arrangements and projects of institutional design. Paper presented at the workshop “National-Personal Autonomy, Non-territorial Autonomy, Cultural Autonomy”, The University of Vienna, January 8-10, 2015.
(cu Levente Salat) Special Seats for Minorities in the Lower House of the Romanian Parliament – A Critical Assessment. Paper presented at the 23rd IPSA World Congress of Political Science, Montreal, Canada, 19-24 July 2014.
Cultural Autonomy in Hungary, Romania and Serbia: Legitimacy and Minority Internal Pluralism. Paper presented at the workshop “Ethno-democracy in the heart of Europe: political mobilization and representation of ethnic groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina in a comparative perspective”, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 23-24 September, 2013.
Intra-ethnic Competition and Cooperation among the Parties of the Hungarian Minorities in Romania, Serbia and Slovakia. Paper presented at the conference “New Policies of Accommodating Diversity. Challenges and Opportunities for Multilevel States”, University of Konstanz, Germany, June 13-15, 2013.
Politikai fragmentáció és a versengés tartalma a határon túli magyar politikában [Political Fragmentation and the Content of Party Competition in the Party Systems of the Hungarian Minorities]. Paper presented at the 19th Annual Conference of the Hungarian Political Science Association, Cluj/Kolozsvár, May 30, 2013.
Autonomy Arrangements in the World. Presentation of the project and the terms of reference. Presentation delivered at the workshop “Autonomy Arrangements in the World”, Flensburg, Germany, September 14-15, 2012.
Intra-ethnic Competition and Cooperation among the Hungarian Minority Parties of Romania, Serbia and Slovakia. Paper prepared for the ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops (Workshop: Ethnicity, Territory, and Party Competition. Toward a Unified Approach), Antwerp, Belgium, April 10-15, 2012.
Az erdélyi magyar szavazók választói viselkedésének vizsgálata a települések szintjén [An Analysis of the Electoral Behavior of Ethnic Hungarians in Romania at Locality Level]. Paper presented at the conference “Kihívások és dilemmák Kelet-Közép-Európában”, ELTE ÁJK, Budapest, October 28-29, 2011.
The Issue of Personal Autonomy in Romania and Serbia: A Comparative Analysis of Minority Visions and Divisions. Paper prepared for the DISC lecture series, Central European University, Budapest, October 17, 2011.
The Issue of Cultural Autonomy in Romania and Serbia: A Comparative Analysis. Paper presented at the conference “National, Ethnic and Language Minorities in European Union”, Lublin, Poland, 14-16 September, 2011.
(cu István Horváth) Diversity Recognition and Minority Participation in Central and Southeast Europe: A Comparative Analysis. Paper presented at the 6th ECPR General Conference, Reykjavík, Iceland, 25-27 August, 2011.
(cu Daniel Bochsler) We do the same, but we do it better. Post-ideological electoral competition in post-communist democracies. Paper presented at the ECPR Joint Sessions, Münster, Germany, 22-27 March, 2010.
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- etnopolitică, partide etnice, partide politice, comportament electoral, reprezentare politică